4th Street, Fado's, A Dallas Win . . . SHOCKER!
Well kids, A Band Named Sue played it's debut show at Fado in the famous warehouse district. It was a lot of fun to play downtown for a change, there is always so much energy. It was a hub of activity with the rumbling sounds of guitars and drums willowing over the rooftops. At one point I was worried that our sound would be drowned out by the myriad of power chords being wind-milled just over the duct work.
Fado has put the stamp of approval for their new outdoor deck to accommodate the nicotine queens, only the city hasn't put their stamp on the plans. More hot tubs and outdoor showers was Dr. Hoyles vote, but these days it's all ball bearings. So we played on the soon to be back deck on a very nice stage that the bar had set up for us. I have to say that it was pretty nice to have some sort of riser and the club is trying to help the perception that the band should be somewhat elevated from the general audience. I think that Fado has high hopes for their new outdoor digs, maybe when they get it finished we can host the first Deckapalooza!
It was also the first gig that I got to play my new Gretsch Catalina Club white pearl drum set. It was in impulse buy on the way to Costco and when I walked into Guitar Center it called to me, as it has done many times in my dreams. It was an early Father's day present for a new dad and something that I've rocked for many a gig.
The show started just as the sun went down behind the Lavaca Street Bar and we chomped down our food and washed it down with a frosty beverage and hit the stage. Fist up, the ever popular Theme to the Pink Panther followed by our deep cut tribute to the man in black.
The second set showcased the ever popular and talented Ms. Pamela Ryder. From I Still Miss Someone to Soldier Boy it was nothing but SASS! We always enjoy playing with Pam and it's always fun to just wind her up, sit back and let her loose on stage. It's never a dull moment as a spectator or as a participant.
Next up on the schedule is another show at NXNW on Friday the 16th. We are going to run this gig sans Dr. Hoyle as he will be in South Carolina with the Six Pack (his pals from high school) AKA the Glee Club! I think that it will be an interesting performance that might feature the only drum and guitar Johnny Cash duo that you can get in this town for free. It wouldn't be the first time that Andy and I had to carry the show running solo and it might not be the last. It should still be fun. NXNW is a happy hour show and the food is great and the beer just keeps on getting better and better.
Sea Biscuit

Fado has put the stamp of approval for their new outdoor deck to accommodate the nicotine queens, only the city hasn't put their stamp on the plans. More hot tubs and outdoor showers was Dr. Hoyles vote, but these days it's all ball bearings. So we played on the soon to be back deck on a very nice stage that the bar had set up for us. I have to say that it was pretty nice to have some sort of riser and the club is trying to help the perception that the band should be somewhat elevated from the general audience. I think that Fado has high hopes for their new outdoor digs, maybe when they get it finished we can host the first Deckapalooza!
It was also the first gig that I got to play my new Gretsch Catalina Club white pearl drum set. It was in impulse buy on the way to Costco and when I walked into Guitar Center it called to me, as it has done many times in my dreams. It was an early Father's day present for a new dad and something that I've rocked for many a gig.
The show started just as the sun went down behind the Lavaca Street Bar and we chomped down our food and washed it down with a frosty beverage and hit the stage. Fist up, the ever popular Theme to the Pink Panther followed by our deep cut tribute to the man in black.
The second set showcased the ever popular and talented Ms. Pamela Ryder. From I Still Miss Someone to Soldier Boy it was nothing but SASS! We always enjoy playing with Pam and it's always fun to just wind her up, sit back and let her loose on stage. It's never a dull moment as a spectator or as a participant.
Next up on the schedule is another show at NXNW on Friday the 16th. We are going to run this gig sans Dr. Hoyle as he will be in South Carolina with the Six Pack (his pals from high school) AKA the Glee Club! I think that it will be an interesting performance that might feature the only drum and guitar Johnny Cash duo that you can get in this town for free. It wouldn't be the first time that Andy and I had to carry the show running solo and it might not be the last. It should still be fun. NXNW is a happy hour show and the food is great and the beer just keeps on getting better and better.
Sea Biscuit