Johnny Cash Night at NXNW Brewery

It was also a night for special guests and we were happy to have Craig Kotfas from So Sad Robot join us on stage. Craig sat in on the U2 song ONE. Craig is playing on Eklektikos on Tuesday the 13th at noon. Craig style has been described as "busy, but never precocious" by many in the music industry. His band, So Sad Robot is also playing a live show as Trophy's on South Congress on Thursday the 15th.
After a short break to rest our voices and refuel with some of that great beer that they brew at NXNW, we started the second set with the ever popular Pamela Ryder. Pamela warmed up the second set with Johnny Cash's, I Guess Things Happen that Way and the ever popular duet, Jackson. We made an immediate segway into Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Felis Navidad, The Christmas Song and Pamela's version of Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. We finally ended the show with Johnny's, One Piece at a Time which inspired the Band Named Sue Dancers to make an appearance. I guess the beer was better than we thought.
Over all it was a great night and we were invited to come back to play again on the 20th of January. We will send out an official e-mail when we get closer to the date, but I would encourage everyone to attend. You can order from the full menu out on the deck and with the heaters, the temperature is very cozy.