A Band Named Sue at The Mean Eyed Cat 11-30-05

We had a GREAT show at The Mean Eyed Cat last night. We got a little late start and I think we ended close to 10:30, which is much later than the scheduled 6:30 to 8:30 happy hour that was on the docket. But we were happy to keep the party going.
It was a night of special guest both on the stage and in the audience. I had a group of guys come out to see the show from my old auction days along with running into my friend Kristen that I haven't seen for about 8 years.
On stage we started with my good friend Mr. Lance Surovik who shared his singing talents on Branded Man and Crystal Chandelier. Two great songs about convicts and lighting fixtures; the missing link between country and western. Next up on the stage, Mr. Bryan Fuller. Bryan brought his mandolin and played on a whole host of Johnny Cash tunes rounding out the sound. After a brief, but long overdue break, we brought up Martha P who sang her signature songs along with the debuted of our version of Walking after Midnight.
Don't forget that we have two more shows this week! Tamableo on Friday - 6:30 to 9:30 pm @ 302 Bowie Street and the dinner theater show at The Brentwood Tavern on Saturday - 7:00 to 9:30 pm 6701 Burnet. The Brentwood Tavern is a kid friendly venue with its own playscape, so for all you "parents" out there, don't neglect the kids. Let them taste the finer things in life like good food and Johnny Cash.
A Band Named Sue has a new e-mail address: abandnamedsue@gmail.com
Pictures from the show:
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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